Top five Belgrade wineries

Here you will find 5 wine shops in Belgrade that, according to the Novi Apartmani website, will delight every true wine lover and connoisseur.

Top five Belgrade wineries

This may have been one of the toughest tasks we've set for ourselves. From the multitude of beautiful, fantastically organized wine collections created with great love and passion, we had to choose just five to highlight in one of our themed lists, composed with just one goal in mind: to help visitors to Belgrade, as well as all those reading this text, find the perfect place to enjoy quality wine.

The first wine shop on theNovi apartmani website's list is Wine & Pleasure. Although it is not located in Vračar, New Belgrade, or the city center, we start the list with this well-stocked wine shop. It is located in Voždovac, not far from Autokomanda, at Bulevar oslobođenja 117, and offers a truly representative selection of wines from all over the world. In addition to various types of wine, you can also equip yourself with high-quality wine accessories and selected spirits here. Wine & Pleasure also has a separate room where wine tastings are often held, primarily intended for professionals or wine connoisseurs.

Also deserving a place on our list is the Fino Vino wine shop. This wine shop is located in Kosančićev Venac, at Pop Lukina 6, and it is a modern and bright space adorned with meticulously arranged rows of bottles along illuminated counters, leaving the impression of a kind of jeweler's shop for lovers of quality wine. Fino Vino always offers more than two hundred selected labels from Italy, Argentina, Portugal, France, Croatia, and, of course, a large selection of Serbian wines.

Returning to Vračar, we find the Vino Bar & Shop wine shop. With over 400 labels housed in an elegantly decorated interior that unmistakably suggests a wine institution, this wine shop is also a good choice for tastings. About twenty wines can be consumed by the glass, while the rest of the wines can be purchased and tasted in advance at themed wine tastings of the same variety but from three different producers. During the warm summer days, the garden can be used, where under the tree canopies, you can enjoy the rich notes of quality wines from the shop's selection.

Staying in Vračar, at Kalenićeva 3, we find one of the first wine shops in the capital. This is Compania de Vinos. This wine shop offers a wide range of wines and brandies, and in agreement with selected winemakers, daily tastings of domestic wines are organized. Surrounded by almost endless shelves with bottles, the visitor can easily get the impression that they are in a kind of library where the very friendly but also professional staff will gladly assist and help you choose a wine that will suit your spirit and body.

The last, but certainly not the least Belgrade wine shop that has found its place on our list is a specialized wine shop located, in this case, in Dorćol. This is th O Bistro Delice wine shop located at Gospodar Jovanova 47, which offers an impressive selection of exclusive French labels and famous gastronomic delicacies, ranging from cheeses and spicy spreads, spices, sauces, to selected chocolates. The shelves always contain about 300 carefully selected wine labels, among which are selected champagnes, as well as top-notch armagnac. This wine shop places special emphasis on organic and biodynamic wines, including those from Serbia. At least two wines from Burgundy and Bordeaux are available by the glass, but often there are also other premium wines from the shop's selection.

Before you embark on exploring Belgrade's wine scene, make sure to choose accommodation that will "pair" well with your sommelier style. Therefore, before heading to Belgrade, we suggest that you visit our website in the STRICT CENTER section to check out the offer of fantastically equipped accommodations and choose one of the apartments tailored to your needs, which will provide a peaceful refuge in the strict city center, close to all the above-mentioned hospitality establishments where you will enjoy!

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